Journeying with Horses

Speaking as I just was, regarding the mythic power of nature through our visiting bees, Trish Broersma offers several opportunities for you to have hands-on mythic experiences with the natural world through horses this summer.  She offers shamanic vision quests facilitated by Trish and Norma Nakai Burton, shamanic and Jungian-oriented counselor.  You can see a taste of Journey Horse by going to this YouTube video, 3 magical minutes about what happens there:

Trish and Norma Nakai will be offering Journey Horse in Australia in November as the result of a remarkable dream by a man in western Australia.  One night he dreamed the name “Trish Broersma” and got the message that he was supposed to share the name with his friend Kim in eastern Australia who has several horses.  A year later and Kim, with several other folks,  have gathered to sponsor an Australian Journey Horse tour, including 4 days at the huge horse fair Equitana Melbourne.  You can read more about Journey Horse at