Bali Update #1 from Alexander


Hello All from Bali!
This is the first of many updates from Bali.  (Sorry, cell phone pictures only.) We are already preparing for the 2016 Mystic Traveller Journey in Bali.  We have been searching high and low to find the most fascinating and authentic corners of Bali Regency!  Yesterday Yeshi (Jean Houston’s godson from Tibet) and I went to Kerta Dosa, which was the Royal Palace and the place of the Judicial Courts from the 1700’s .   Upon arrival there was a wedding procession going on, all the streets were closed off, as a beautiful young couple were paraded through the streets adorned with gold, escorted by mythical masked dancers.  Such occurrences are quite commonplace in Bali.


Tales of the Mahabharata are depicted in 6 levels on the ceilings of the Pavilion.  The 6 levels parallel the 6 realms of existence; the stories are coded into you as you see them in the splendor as they are depicted in full color with shimmering gold.  We met the descendent of the artist who painted these masterpieces, he and his wife are still carrying on the tradition and took us to their studio where he showed us the techniques required to make these paintings.  Those with an interest in painting may choose to study here in the studio with a true master in their studio where techniques have been mastered over centuries.

This is just a tiny nibble of the rich experiences you will enjoy on this journey. I am very excited to be facilitating this trip for Peggy Rubin.  One of the first trips I ever made to Bali was with her about 20 years ago.  About 5 years after that I moved here.  It is a great honor after all these years to be hosting a trip for her.   This trip will be a fascinating and rich journey into the mythical land of Bali.
Alexander Joy