Party, Party, Party!

Sign up for the May Memorial Day Sacred Theatre and stay on for the book party, publication day, June 1. (Or come just to party!) We’ll have a day of engaging the Power of Celebration, enjoy a feast/picnic and attend a preview of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night in the Elizabethan Theatre at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival.

Or if you can’t come for the workshop, you’re welcome to attend just the June 1st celebration for the book.  We’ll begin festivities on Monday evening, Memorial Day, May 31st, and play all the next day.  This is a party and you don’t need to pay anything, but if you’d like to help with expenses, a check for $125 will do the job.  Make it out to Center for Sacred Theatre and mail to the address below.  The May workshop cost is $325.

Sign up soon for the party, please; I need to order these popular theatre tickets by the end of February.  Email me at  [email protected], or write me at 323 Oak Street, Ashland, OR 97520.