Wayan Wong
We visit the preparatory blessings of the masks for tonight’s Wayan Wong to be held at Gaia Oasis on this our last evening here. First we go to the temple housing the sacred masks that are not used for public performances at 6 am for a blessing of those masks. Then as tradition directs, we go to the cultural center where the public performance masks are being blessed after attaching fresh leaves.

Later in the day with Peggy, we reflect on what we have learned on the journey so far, this being our seventh day, Then we explore the Ramayana story of Rama and Sita as a story of the soul. Sita is the soul which can get lost or stolen. Like Rama who in his distress fell into sorrow and despair, we too must get up and get going on finding it even though the path is difficult. As a group we meditated on these questions: What am I yearning for, my soul yearning for? What do I need to recognize my soul’s love for me? (As Rama needed to have proof of Sita’s loyalty and love.)
From the Gita:
The Blessed Lord said:
Beings arise from food;
Food arises from rain;
Rain arises from worship;
Workshop, from ritual action.
Ritual action, from God;
God, from the deathless Self;
Thus, the all-present God
requires the worship of men.
He who fails to keep turning
the wheel thus set in motion
has damaged the working of the world
and has wasted his life, Arjuna.