#4 Joyful Acceptance and Acknowledgement
The Month for Joyful Acceptance and Acknowledgement
May 1 to June 9, 2024
Once upon a time, many years ago, this nine-fold path for practicing joy was “given,” first in words, and then in a magical calendar. Since that time, I have learned that these forty days provide the happiest and easiest way, not only to practice, but also to grow, joy. To amplify it, enrich it, sweeten it.
Adding to the world’s supply of joy is a delicious task. It takes time, yes, and attention, and carries enchantment.
You remember the steps:
1. Notice something, anything, that provides a touch of delight, aliveness, joy.
2. Breathe it in, embrace it, chew it, drink it, give it time to become part of you by touching it, feeling it with your eyes and the eyes and ears of your heart. Notice the effect. That’s Accepting Joy in a proactive way.
3. Acknowledge the gift (if possible, in words, out loud, though thoughts will also work). Tell the flower or tree or dog or bird or baby or friend what it has given you. A lift, a thrill, a breath of pure aliveness. Provide details. Don’t rush.
4. Hang in until you believe, or can practice believing, that the baby, or parent, or the flower or tree actually, playfully, took in (accepted) your words or thoughts. Feel into that response to your tale of acceptance and your words of grateful acknowledgment. It’s perfectly fine to hang out with the so-called beyond ordinary speech beings until you can imagine that your words have produced an effect. The leaves of the tree will twinkle. The flower will smile, the dog’s tail waggle, the baby gurgle, the parent acknowledge your perspicacity.
5. When you truly take in that response, it adds to your joy. You have grown joy. If you want to go delirious with the process, you repeat it, by speaking of that new joy. And watching, feeling into, the response your joy has given again, and on and on. Pretty soon all the flowers have caught on, all the trees are dancing, the dogs yipping, the babies laughing, and the neighborhood enchanted.
6. Joyful Acceptance and Acknowledgment amplify happiness. Amplify gratefulness.
One more step brings us to Praise. We move along as Praise Singers: Praise to Life. Praise to Love. Praise to Beauty. Praise to Joy. Praise to Hope. Praise to the Earth and all its Beings and Beingness.
Praise. Praise. Praise.
Joy in the World
And in me.
Buy the calendar:
The Lady’s Year for Joy
The Lady’s Year for Joy is your personal guide and journal as you seek, focus, explore, test, recognize, experience, embrace, offer, and report
the truth of Joy in the world.
For you and for gifting your friends — this new calendar will enrich your daily reflections.
$25.00 plus shipping
Join the Daily Poets via Telephone
In 2010, several members of Jean Houston’s West Coast Mystery School joined to support one another with a daily phone call to ponder the inspirational writings collected by Peggy Rubin. All are welcome to join the calls. For those who wish to join the call at 9 am Pacific time the number is 1-605-313-4818 (new in April, 2019), code 884124#. Read more about them HERE.
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