#7 Joyful Remembrance 2022




The Month of Remembering Joy
August 29 to October 7, 2022
A Tale of Two Rivers

All I feel is rivers
and the current is
my life force.
–Robert Vivian

Embracing the rivers of joyful memory this month can provide such playfulness, such courage, and such resilience that we find ourselves willing to acknowledge, and even engage that other river, the river of sorrow, grief, and pain.

This month’s activity brings focus to the true work of the Rivers of Joy. That work is:

•  to bathe the past in sweetness,

•  to lift suffering into the gentle air of awareness, even forgiveness,

•  to suffuse with lightness the follies of time,

•  to reduce any sense of loss by remembering the fullness of caring,

and when possible,
•  to transform elements of the other river with renewed attention, prayer, movement, healing power, even equanimity.

It also helps to look again at that poignant word, impermanence.

At the most personal level, we can remember that when we lose something that gave us great joy, our grief is great. This month is the time when we can best honor and hold both joy and grief. My teacher Elaine de Beauport, working with those of us in the throes of grief, kept reminding us, when possible, to move toward remembering the love that was there. Just that element of remembering joy can release the chemicals of grief and can take us to that sweetened place where love and loss rest together in peace.

Remembering Joy through the memories of the rivers of our lives is powerfully restorative. Where have we gathered with friends on river banks? What river waters have we dived into, swum in, rafted through, skied over? Felt most alive near? Invite those memories to suffuse the body/brain with delight. And then take on that other river! The right action, the right thought, the right cherishing will be there, floating across the waters to carry you through whatever comes.

Joy in the World
And in me.
Praise. Praise. Praise.

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The Lady’s Year for Joy

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the truth of Joy in the world.

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In 2010, several members of Jean Houston’s West Coast Mystery School joined to support one another with a daily phone call to ponder the inspirational writings collected by Peggy Rubin. All are welcome to join the calls. For those who wish to join the call at 9 am Pacific time the number is 1-605-313-4818 (new in April, 2019), code 884124#. Read more about them HERE.

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