#10 Happy Birthday to the Gods of Joy 2019

Birthdays of the Joyful Gods

The nine months, 360 days, come to an end on December 26,
leaving five intercalary days before the Year for Joy begins again on January 1.

On these days, we celebrate the birth of the gods of joy,
using the fingers of our hands as a device for remembering.


The gods of Joyful Humanity are born: those who Joy in Humanity and those who bring joy to humanity. (the thumb)
Our joyful task is to give birth every day to the gods of joyful humanity and to relish the wonder of being human, focusing on those events and people and aliveness that inspire us.


The gods of Joyful Direction are born: those who offer directions toward greater and greater joy. (the second finger, the pointer finger)
Trace the paths our lives have taken, find the joy of knowing our direction is toward greater and greater happiness, true happiness, for ourselves, the holy Earth, and all who dwell here with us.


The gods of Joyful Passion are born. (the fire finger, the middle one)
Engage the world with all your heart, all your mind, and all your soul. To quote the amazing Howard Thurman:
“Don’t ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive. And go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”


The gods of Joyful Beauty and of Joy in Beauty are born. (the fourth, the beauty-carrying finger)
Poet David Whyte is the spokesperson for these joyful gods:
“Beauty is the harvest of presence, the evanescent moment of seeing, or hearing on the outside what already lives far inside us. . .” – Consolations


The gods of Joyful Spirit are born. (the baby finger, the heaven finger)
The perfect guide to Spiritual joy, even bliss, even ecstasy is Hafiz, who tells us:
“O listen, O listen more carefully to what is around you right now. In my world all that remains is the wondrous call to dance and prayer rising up like a thousand suns, out of the mouth of a single bird.”

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The Lady’s Year for Joy

The Lady’s Year for Joy is your personal guide and journal as you seek, focus, explore, test, recognize, experience, embrace, offer, and report
the truth of Joy in the world.

For you and for gifting your friends — this new calendar will enrich your daily reflections.

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Join the Daily Poets via Telephone

In 2010, several members of Jean Houston’s West Coast Mystery School joined to support one another with a daily phone call to ponder the inspirational writings collected by Peggy Rubin. All are welcome to join the calls. For those who wish to join the call at 9 am Pacific time the number is 1-605-313-4818 (new in April, 2019), code 884124#. Read more about them HERE.

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