#9 Joyful Service and Sharing 2017

Joy in the World

The Month for Joyful Service and Sharing
November 17 – December 26

A time to sense and respond to the presence of joy in others, no matter how deeply it may be hidden. And to maintain the truth that Joy is in the World by sharing it, and serving with it.

Our Guide this month is Sacred Protector:

I stand with my strong arms a shield against fear, selfish intent, deceit and abuse.
I am the protector of all things,
earth, sky and the soul of the universe.

I am more than a mother, and more than a giver of life.
I am Gaia’s sister, and I have the responsibility
to protect my sibling and all her riches.

My job is vast and focused.
My arms embrace from within
and I shield out undesired forces.

Believe in me, for I am here to serve.
I stand as an honor guard, ready to help
in the sacred journey of life.

We have arrived at the gifting time of year,
the time to acknowledge and appreciate friendships,
to exchange the energies of joy with one another.

Our practice for the month:

Imitate the Earth

Recognize the Earth’s incalculably abundant generosity, even as she moves into a different relationship to Her beloved Sun.

What of that abundance can we joyfully offer to another – a child, a parent, a friend, someone less fortunate. Lightly, without attachment, as the Earth offers Her harvests of golden fruit and grain.

Artist/poet Patti Kaufman shares the wondrous work of this month of giving in the person of the Sacred Protector. She who serves “as an honor guard,” protecting us from anything that depletes life and joy.

Nothing adds to the sum total of joy more profoundly than sharing kindness and offering our loving participation to the world’s story. This is the time for ebullient living and joyful offering of talents, energies, and thankfulness for life’s riches.

Joy beyond the walls of the world opens to us in this month of wonder.

Stay tuned for the five intercalary days in which we observe the birth and rebirth of the Joyful Gods and Goddess.

On January 1, the new year begins with the Month of Joyful Sourcing.

Buy the new calendar:

The Lady’s Year for Joy

The Lady’s Year for Joy is your personal guide and journal as you seek, focus, explore, test, recognize, experience, embrace, offer, and report
the truth of Joy in the world.

For you and for gifting your friends — this new calendar will enrich your daily reflections.

$25.00 plus shipping

Buy Now Button with Credit Cards

Join the Daily Poets via Telephone

In 2010, several members of Jean Houston’s West Coast Mystery School joined to support one another with a daily phone call to ponder the inspirational writings collected by Peggy Rubin. All are welcome to join the calls. For those who wish to join the call at 9 am Pacific time the number is 1-641-715-3272, code 884124#. Read more about them HERE.

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