The Morning Poets
The morning poetry group grew out of the 2010 West Coast Jean Houston Mystery School participants and was set up by Elizabeth Austin. Using Peggy Rubin’s Year of Joy calendar as a guide we take turns selecting poems for each ten day week. We also follow Peggy’s monthly postings on Practicing Joy. The person who selects the poem usually reads it on the call, and then we share our reflections. Sometimes the responses take the form of more poems, sometimes sharing feelings or related experiences. Sometimes silence. There are 8 or 9 steady callers, and usually several more on the call on any given day. For us it is a practice with a palpable connection to spirit through poetry. We close with the Ho’oponopono prayer and a peace blessing in several languages.
Some of us wrote poetry before starting this practice, others have found their voice since being on the call, and occasionally write a poem to share. Writing poetry is not a requirement, just the way it happened to grow.
We now record the call for those who have to miss for some reason. Though we post the poems to the Evolutionary Journey, Social Artistry and Mystery School listservs, and often get feedback from people who find them meaningful, the recordings are only for those of us who are normally on the call.
You would be welcome to join us at 9AM Pacific time. The number is 1-605-313-4818 and the access code is 884124. You are welcome to “lurk” but it would be delightful if you would say hello.