#9 Joyful Serving and Sharing 2023
The Month for Serving with Joy and Sharing Joyfully
November 17 to December 26, 2023
This, my life, is a moment in Worship.
–Sheikh Abol-Hassan of Kharaqan
Once upon a time, in a trance-like state, writing about navigating the River of Joy and its opening into an ocean of bliss (for the Month of Joyful Service and Sharing) this is what I felt/heard.
The humpback whales are the planet’s archivists. In song. One of them “told” me, “Every event that ever happened on this wonderful place is recorded by us and transmuted into song, every event, the most glorious and the most horrific. All are recorded here and transformed into whale song, whale story.”
The whale singer continues her story: “We change roles every once in a while. For now, I have the privilege of recording every instance of joy and happiness taking place on the planet and then compressing that joy into music that the stars hear and that cannot ever be forgotten. I also receive all the songs born of joy that have ever happened. Vastness innumerable. Every child learning to read, to sew on a button—yes, even that—to sing, to wonder: every one is recorded here. Every falling star that brought a gasp of delight. Every thought that became a song to express joy. Every plant deciding to flower, even when surrounded by concrete, every bee gift of pollen and drop of honey, every tree sending word in tree-love language to a sister or brother, welcoming a bird family or a child yearning to climb. Every act of kindness born of joy I hold in my language and in my memory.”
She continues: “Think of it! No wonder this is the sea of bliss. Not only are these events held in my memory, but we have archives and archives of joy packed into this ocean in great halls that would look to you like holographs. Would you like to visit some of them? They comprise part of the teaching available to you as we consider this final stage on the path. Service and sharing in joy with joy for joy.”
Who could resist such an invitation?
Imagine then, if you will, all the joy that has ever been experienced on our Earth, alive and flourishing in the holographic halls maintained by these generous caretakers of the planet we share. And in our own heart and souls.
The whale’s teaching is this: Any joy that we touch into anywhere on earth at any time can be experienced, physically felt, and this feeling thus adds to the field of joy for the whole world. You too can become a joy archivist, of your own joys and every joy you witness or imagine. Create a beautiful space to hold them all, and from that holy place, share and serve with joy in joy.

Joy in the World. And in me.
Praise. Praise. Praise.
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the truth of Joy in the world.
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